Bribe Yourself Into Being A Morning Person
Photo by Slim Aarons
By Lauren
I've spent the past four months waking up BEFORE the sun for this guy. As a perpetually late night owl, I truly did not think I would survive this. But I come to you Thrillers as functining, bright-ish eyed morning person
My secret? Make your morning routine all about BRIBING YOURSELF. Here are some of the tips and tricks I've used to survive and THRIVE.
- Instead of waiting for coffee to brew, I grab a cup, some ice and pour myself a HUGE cup of this cold brew concentrate (+ milk or water!). Knowing coffee is a few seconds away is the only thing that will stop myself from hitting snooze AGAIN.
- Keep a box of La Croix in your trunk, or packed in your bag if you use public transportation. I'm telling you NOTHING is more refreshing than bubbly water while deal with the stresses of traffic or man spreaders on the bus. Throw some Trader Joe muffins in there as well for a quick on the go breakfast, cuz what is a better bribe than showing a delicous baked good in your mouth while stuck in traffic?
Me waking up to a pre-planned outfit. From Giphy.
-The boring, non-bribery stuff: Use Waze, give yourself TONS of time to get there for a safe stress free commute, plan outfits, shower the night before.
I'm not saying "get plently of sleep" because that is the MOST annoying advice....but ya know...maybe don't stay up till 2AM watching Real Housewives of Atlanta EVERY night. (BUT IF YOU DO I GET IT CUZ SEASON HAS BEEN FIRE)
-Have a podcast ready to play. There is nothing more depressing than scanning through a bunch of morning talk on the radio. A few of our favorites include Missing Richard Simmons , Stranglers , Someone Knows Something.
And my LAST tip is something we discovered after a Kbeauty shopping spree. Keep these in your glove compartment and use them while you drive. (For my public transportation peeps, slap on some oversized sunglasses and soak up that hydration.) Instant spa refreshment while you're stuck in traffic and you arrive GLOWING, which of course will make everyone at the office HATE YOU, but in the best possible way.
Any other morning tips Thrillers?