2015 was truly a great year. It was busy and exciting, full of travel and accomplishments as well as a fair bit of disappointment and growth. Looking over my resolutions from last year I think I did a great job tackling some of them and I'm proud of the progress I made. I thought it would be nice to review the goals I made last year before diving in to new ones.
Year in review via Instagram
2015 List of Loose Resolutions In Review
1. More Travel- Killed it. I definitely blew this one out of the water. I was able to travel to Chicago, Tulum, Mexico City, Yucca Valley, Minneapolis, Portland(twice), Palm Springs and Joshua Tree. As I am fairly successful at this resolution and don't plan on stopping, this will probably make it to this years list as well.
2. More Reading- According to audible I downloaded 10 books this year and I read probably 5 actual books. Feeling good about this one too.
3. Wake Up Earlier- F on this one. :/ oops.
4. More Organization- Kinda iffy on this one. I think I made some definite progress but I would like to continue working on this adult life skill.
5. More Thoughtful- I grew a lot professionally and personally this year. I had many experiences that were challenging and forced me to take a step back and evaluate my thoughts and choices. Although this year presented a lot of challenges, overall I felt like I did take time to think things over and grow from the experience.
6. More Creation- I picked up water color and dabbled in some other creative ventures as well. I realized a big hurdle in creation is the space available in my apartment, I'll have to get creative about this.
7. Less Stress- Life is always full of stress, but this year I did a good job managing most of it. Feeling positive about my coping mechanisms.
8. Less Self Judgement- Feeling great about this one as well! Always room to improve, but I think I was able to be less harsh and more easygoing.